Friday, October 17, 2008

oh, and maintenance notes, so I don't forget

Last night as I checked Sea Monkey's tuning, I was a bit alarmed that the fourth string suddenly got a lot deeper after I hit it. It went from in perfect tune to . . . well, farther and farther from perfect tune. I tightened the screw on the tuning peg, which had worked itself loose, and string four was back in action. And I tightened up the other screws on the other pegs just to be sure they're all happy. Planetary tuners FTW. :)

But that reminded me that Sea Monkey's head tension is a little off, so I need to get me a banjo bracket wrench. And while I'm at it, I may as well get some new strings. I can probably wait on changing them out (and that will be a special day, since changing banjo strings is more complicated than changing guitar strings), but it would be good to have them handy for when I work up the nerve. We've had new strings for the ukulele since July and I still haven't overcome my fear of epic fail enough to change those out. Of course, the uke is mostly a toy for Gaz, who doesn't care all that much if she's missing a string. In fact, she insists on keeping the uke so out of tune that the strings are quite slack.

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