Thursday, January 1, 2009


Today I finally got Sea Monkey out and tuned up. This is the first time since it got too cold to play at the old place. WOOO! I didn't get to play too long, because The Daughter came home and wanted to cause havoc with my tuner, but I remembered how to play "Cripple Creek" without too much mangling, with a dash of "Roving Gambler" and "Good Night Ladies" too. The rest of the time, I pulled up a nice comprehensive chord chart that also indicated the notes for each fret of each string, and goofed around with that for a while.

Banjo resolutions for 2009: practice and all that entails (including learning to cope with that damnable F chord, without which I can't play "The Great Speckled Bird," alas), learn enough music theory that I can write music on the banjo more efficiently, play at least once with other musicians (friends, teachers, random strangers--I'm not picky, I just need to challenge some of my performance anxieties).

1 comment:

Niki said...

Welcome back. It's important to have an outlet for creativity in our busy lives. I look forward to reading about your progress.